Macedonia Baptist Church
 2005 VBS

July 10 - 14

The kick-off for our 2005 VBS, was held Saturday July 9, at the Dacus family cabin. Thank you all for your hard work and hospitality in sharing your cabin and pool for the event.....

It was a great week at Vacation Bible School. We had a good time learning how to build our character like Jesus. We had an average attendance of 93 throughout the week in spite of the rain. Our offering this week of $425.60 will be given to the Children's Home in Meansville for the purchase of new bibles for the children.

See some pictures of the entire week by clicking on a hard-hat to the right.


Check out some pictures during the week at VBS

Sunday:       Attendance   75
                                 Offering      $ 50.50
Monday:       Attendance  101
                                  Offering      $ 117.51
Tuesday:       Attendance  93
                                  Offering        $41.11 
Wednesday: Attendance  95
                                  Offering      $ 106.47
Thursday:     Attendance  103
                                  Offering      $ 110.01

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